In-depth Senserva Insights from CEO Mark Shavlik

The Senserva team and I spent a good amount of time creating the content for this video as we often get asked "What does Senserva do?". Senserva is integrated with Microsoft security products, including Microsoft Sentinel, Defenders, Intune, Azure Active Directory and others.

In-depth Senserva Insights from CEO Mark Shavlik
Senserva In-depth, Narrated by Mark Shavlik, CEO
In-depth Senserva Review from Mark Shavlik, CEO of Senserva

The Senserva team and I spent a good amount of time creating the content for this video as we often get asked "What does Senserva do?".

Quick overview of the video:

Senserva is built by well-known security industry veterans with the goal of making Cloud security easily available to everyone.  Senserva is integrated with Microsoft security products, including Microsoft Sentinel, Defenders, Intune, Azure Active Directory and others.

Senserva predicts when problems may occur.  We are not log dependent, instead we are API driven. We use logs because they give us great clues of what will happen again. This is a core and unique value.

There are many great Cloud security products. Senserva’s goal is to make it easy for everyone to use them, enabling you to optimize security building on what you already have, lowering costs. Senserva’s user interface handles the KQL (Kusto) and drill-down graphs, so you do not need to. Unless you want to,  then the UI works with you too. Senserva data stays in your tenant.

Senserva reads and writes via the Log Analytics Workspace, enabling full compatibility with what you already are using.  Our we can write directly to your databases. Senserva is your customized security automation dev team, working with Managed Security Services Providers, and customers, to build high-margin services and automation.